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Roquant Blue

Comprehensive Digital Platform


Roquant works with Partners to actively manage their clients' needs. Roquant's proprietary cloud-based platform consolidates and analyses each client's portfolio of assets such as equities, bonds, fixed-income products, commodities, currencies, private investments. Portfolios are further optimized with inputs (information, products and services) from Partners and their choice of vendors. As a result, clients benefit immensely from timely engagement and superior performance.

逻宽致力于与合作方一起满足客户的需求。 逻宽利用独有的网络平台来整合和分析客户的资产组合,如股票、债券、固定收益、大宗商品、货币、私募投资等, 并通过合作方及其选定的服务商的建议(信息、产品和服务)进一步优化投资组合。因此,客户可以从及时的服务卓越的业绩中受益。

Roquant Blue

Establish New Markets


Roquant provides Partners with a "open and bespoke" setup, allowing each to select their own vendors to provide their clients with evolving market products and services. A global team of programmers and support officers maintain and provide innovation to the requirements of each Partner.


Roquant Blue

Efficient and Secure Engagement with Clients


Roquant provides a robust and secure eco-system. Partners have complete control and confidentiality during their engagement with clients and selected vendors. All activities are done under the purview of Partners.
